About Me

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I am de one known as Scrappy CoCo I Love to cut hair do you want me to make you feel silky smooth with de hair cut? dis fizzy bubble drink i like very much

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

# 1

Hi mom and dad i just wanted to send you guys a pic of what im getting tatooted on my forehead. I know it seems stupid but i mean this is gonna be way cool. You know how i like always have those random out burst for no reason.
You know the ones i've had since i was like 12 haha well write back a.s.a.p i wanna know what you think!

With Love,
Your Dog.

So yesterday I was walking through the mall with Matt and we went into this random t-shirt store and I was looking through the clearance rack and saw this shirt that i fell would be perfect for you. You may not like it because of the image but the phrase...come on you know its good, Ha! remember in 3rd grade when Sam pushed you down the stairs and you went the whole day without saying a word and as soon as we got to your house, you scream and yelled until your mom had to drive me home you were having a tempertantrum and then you got grounded for 2 weeks and you didnt get to go to disney world and you missed my birthday party all because of a random out burst haha catch you later bud.
with laughter,
Donkey boy.


Shiny-sama said...

The first one was a little... odd. It seemed to throw me for an honest loop. I dunno what you were aiming for, but I couldn't count the number of sentences it was supposed to be. The second I got, but it was jumpy. You went from one thing to another...

I loved the concept of both of them, though. They're very different- nothing I would have ever expected on a blog. Uniqueness is always a good thing! Can't wait to read more!

SGirl said...

I enjoyed reading both of these. The first one was a little confusing. Actually a lot I don't really get it now, even though I read it like three times... Maybe there just isn't anything to get???
The second one was very good. I could really relate to this one. This made total sense to me!
I think you could have just done a little better job with using the picture to write, rather then just writing whatever.